Eliminate Wrinkles While you Sleep

Heather Locklear attributes her unlined appearance to being a “back sleeper.” Dermatologists recommend that you don’t sleep on your face to avoid wrinkles.

What’s a girl to do? Buy this copper-powered pillowcase from Cupron, who pioneered the use of the mineral in products. It’s made from a luxurious satin but the best part is seeing a subtle difference even after just a week of sleeping on it! Plus it’s anti-microbial; great for people with allergies.

Originally a medical research company, with many patents in the use of copper oxide, after 10 years of research they discovered it also had many consumer applications such as with the wrinkles and body-odor. Many people know them for their deodorant copper sole socks which fight against foot-odor-causing bacteria and fungi the special Cupron fibers eliminate 99.9% of the growth of foot-odor-causing bacteria and fungi that were tested, for the life of the sock. ($11.99 for men’s socks.)

We wondered if the beneficial properties would wear out after repeated washings but the company explained that the “biocidal properties of cupronized fabrics are permanent.” One caveat, don’t use fabric softeners for your copper socks, towels, bedding etc.

At $37 for the pillowcase, we consider it one of the best investments we’ve ever made.  Right now, it’s on sale for the holidays for only $28.99!

Slow Down the Aging Process Now With All-Natural Solutions!

If you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s... you may be experiencing heart problems, joint pain, blood sugar imbalance, vision problems, memory loss or muscle fatigue. Your doctor may have chalked these symptoms up to "old-age". And just like millions of Americans, you may have turned to dangerous prescription drugs or risky surgical procedures to help slow down the effects of aging. But, medical science has now shown that many of these health problems can be improved and may even be able to be REVERSED...
One of the main causes of aging is free radical damage. These rogue molecules can lead to dozens of health problems. By controlling free radical damage, you can help slow down aging... help prevent illness... and protect your body's energy storehouse.
Block DNA and RNA function—DNA is the "blueprint" that tells your cells how to act... duplicate... and even how to repair itself. RNA transmits the information in the DNA to your cells. Free radicals can damage both DNA and RNA communication—causing your cells to malfunction and even self-destruct.Plus, free radical damage can also:
  • Release dangerous cholesterol in your bloodstream—When fat molecules such as cholesterol get oxidized, they become sticky. That means they can clog up your arteries and set the stage for future heart and brain problems.
  • Quickly drain your energy—Free radicals release a toxic waste matter called lipofuscins. This yellowish-brown cell debris can interfere with your body's ability to metabolize protein—your #1 source of energy.
  • Trigger joint pain and muscle aches—An overproduction of free radicals in a specific area can cause inflammation.
  • Prematurely age your skin—Free radicals destroy delicate collagen that keeps your skin soft, smooth and flexible. If you've got age spots on your hands or face, that's a tell-tale sign you've got free radical damage.
The truth is you can't get away from free radicals. The very process of breathing creates these destructive molecules. What's more, foods... environmental pollutants... toxins... and even stress can trigger "hits" from free radicals.
Fortunately, Mother Nature gives us remarkably safe and effective solutions to help clobber pesky free radicals. They're called antioxidants:
  • Phosphatidylserine (PS for short)—proven incredibly effective for age-related memory loss in 60 human studies and over 2,800 scientific papers... PS helps restore a more youthful memory and helps sharpen thinking and reasoning ability...
  • Vinpocetine is natures powerful memory enhancer that works by expanding your blood vessels to allow healthy blood flow to the brain and gingko biloba helps boost memory, improve concentration and fight off mental fatigue...
  • Omega-3 is the powerful anti-inflammatory oil that helps lubricate your brain cells to keep them working at peak capacity and DMAE can help scrape away and remove harmful lipofuscins that cause brain "rust"....
  • Folic acid—helps protect your veins, arteries and capillaries supplying blood to your brain and your entire body...
  • CDP choline—is one of the basic building blocks for brain function...
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine—helps boost energy levels to your entire body...
  • Alpha lipoic acid, L-glutathione, vitamin C and
    vitamin E
    —these antioxidants help "switch off" faulty DNA before it can trigger health problems...
  • Plus, quercetin, selenium, hesperidin and RNA—boost memory recall and brain function... reduce damage from stress... allow your brain cells to "talk" to one another more effectively... and slow your total body aging to a crawl.
By adding these and other powerful antioxidants to your daily regimen, you can expect to feel and look younger for decades to come!

Original article by Dr. Cutler