Protect Your Brain from Parkinson's
With THIS Nutrient
You may know that the super nutrient Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) works to support the immune system and cellular antioxidation. But it also appears to help with Parkinson's disease.
The basis for many neurodegenerative diseases is called mitochondria dysfunction. The powerhouse of each cell is the mitochondria. If the powerhouse of the cell is disrupted or loses energy, the body is vulnerable to attack at the cellular level. This can be devastating and can result in many chronic diseases.
Some scientists believe that nerve cell damage can result from diminished energy levels among neurons. That may result in a biologic energy decline and therefore be intimately involved in the development of Parkinson's disease. It appears that CoQ10 may offer protection for neurons against toxicity.
According to a study published in Neurotoxicity, restoring these neuronal energy levels might boost these defenses. Supplementing with CoQ10 will not only boost your cell energy levels, but boost your body's brain and heart health, too!
Resveratrol: How it prevents Aging
Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in grapes, pine trees, peanuts and other plants. For years scientists have been fascinated by the "French Paradox", which is the high fat diet that the French have and the low incidence of heart disease. There has been much research on this and it has been concluded that the answer lies in the wine that the French also drink and the high levels of resveratrol found in the grapes that go into producing it.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging have found that resveratrol in high doses let mice eat a high fat diet and somehow avoid the problems associated most commonly with obesity. The liver and other systems of these mice remained healthy and related deaths dropped by 31%.
Another study showed that mice that were feed high levels of resveratrol along with high fat diets exhibited less weight gain, greater physical endurance and better insulin sensitivity.
Resveratrol also showed the ability to increase the life span in yeast, mice and certain fish.
There are other benefits to resveratrol that are related to the fact that is a powerful antioxidant. It has been quoted as "one of the best free radical scavengers". Free radicals in the body are produced by naturally occurring environmental stress and damage healthy cells in the body.
Resveratrol shows promise in a number of human age related health studies focusing on diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A recent 60 Minutes interview highlighted some of the research going on today. There are several clinical trials already underway on this subject. The research being done now is focusing on resveratrol as being a substance which can increase longevity by eliminating some of the diseases associated with growing older such as Alzheimer's, diabetes and heart associated diseases. To do this, they believe it can slow done the aging process. Scientists have long known that one way to live longer and healthier is to always be hungry. Reduced caloric intake seems to trigger a gene known known for its "survival instinct". This someday may allow a 80 year old man to have the health of a 50 year old today. The ability to prevent or delay the onset of life threatening diseases would have a enormous effect on the quality of human life as you can well imagine.
The American Heart Association doesn't recommend that you start drinking alcohol just to prevent heart disease or any other illness. Alcohol can be addictive. Too much increases your risk of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, accidents and other problems. In addition, even small amounts of alcohol can cause cardiomyopathy — weakened heart muscle — and heart failure in some people. If you have heart failure or a weak heart you should avoid alcohol completely. The safest and most effective way of taking resveratrol would be as a dietary supplement. This gives you the advantages of benefitting from this very important substance as well as avoiding the problems associated with alcohol.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging have found that resveratrol in high doses let mice eat a high fat diet and somehow avoid the problems associated most commonly with obesity. The liver and other systems of these mice remained healthy and related deaths dropped by 31%.
Another study showed that mice that were feed high levels of resveratrol along with high fat diets exhibited less weight gain, greater physical endurance and better insulin sensitivity.
Resveratrol also showed the ability to increase the life span in yeast, mice and certain fish.
There are other benefits to resveratrol that are related to the fact that is a powerful antioxidant. It has been quoted as "one of the best free radical scavengers". Free radicals in the body are produced by naturally occurring environmental stress and damage healthy cells in the body.
Resveratrol shows promise in a number of human age related health studies focusing on diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A recent 60 Minutes interview highlighted some of the research going on today. There are several clinical trials already underway on this subject. The research being done now is focusing on resveratrol as being a substance which can increase longevity by eliminating some of the diseases associated with growing older such as Alzheimer's, diabetes and heart associated diseases. To do this, they believe it can slow done the aging process. Scientists have long known that one way to live longer and healthier is to always be hungry. Reduced caloric intake seems to trigger a gene known known for its "survival instinct". This someday may allow a 80 year old man to have the health of a 50 year old today. The ability to prevent or delay the onset of life threatening diseases would have a enormous effect on the quality of human life as you can well imagine.
The American Heart Association doesn't recommend that you start drinking alcohol just to prevent heart disease or any other illness. Alcohol can be addictive. Too much increases your risk of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, accidents and other problems. In addition, even small amounts of alcohol can cause cardiomyopathy — weakened heart muscle — and heart failure in some people. If you have heart failure or a weak heart you should avoid alcohol completely. The safest and most effective way of taking resveratrol would be as a dietary supplement. This gives you the advantages of benefitting from this very important substance as well as avoiding the problems associated with alcohol.
Get Younger From The Inside Out
The goal: You want to keep your heart and arteries young, like they were when you were a kid. The plan: Eat 13 to 21 walnuts a day for four weeks.
Yep, it could be that simple. When people in one study replaced some of the already good monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil and corn oil) in their diets with eight to 13 walnuts a day (they contain omega-3 fats), their blood vessels expanded after just a few weeks, allowing better blood flow.
That's not all that our favorite nuts can do. In another study, raising the walnut ante to an ounce and a half -- that's about 21 walnut halves -- six days a week reduced lousy LDL cholesterol by nearly 20 percent. That's a big deal that translates into slightly more than an 18 percent decrease in your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Traditional thinking is that it's the omega-3 fatty acids in these nuts that have been credited with these heart and artery benefits (they have brain, eye and joint benefits as well). That's still true, but there may be something extra in walnuts that makes LDL drop even more than expected from its omega-3s alone.
But whatever it is that's doing the magic, the point is the same: To fit the fat from walnuts into your diet, take some of the other fat out. Not hard to do; the flavor and crunch of these nuts adds enough to your foods -- be it a main course, salad or side dish -- that you won't miss the fat that was there before.
The YOU Docs
Michael Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D.-- are authors of "YOU: Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty
". To submit questions and find ways to grow younger and healthier, go to, the docs' online home.
Yep, it could be that simple. When people in one study replaced some of the already good monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil and corn oil) in their diets with eight to 13 walnuts a day (they contain omega-3 fats), their blood vessels expanded after just a few weeks, allowing better blood flow.
That's not all that our favorite nuts can do. In another study, raising the walnut ante to an ounce and a half -- that's about 21 walnut halves -- six days a week reduced lousy LDL cholesterol by nearly 20 percent. That's a big deal that translates into slightly more than an 18 percent decrease in your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Traditional thinking is that it's the omega-3 fatty acids in these nuts that have been credited with these heart and artery benefits (they have brain, eye and joint benefits as well). That's still true, but there may be something extra in walnuts that makes LDL drop even more than expected from its omega-3s alone.
But whatever it is that's doing the magic, the point is the same: To fit the fat from walnuts into your diet, take some of the other fat out. Not hard to do; the flavor and crunch of these nuts adds enough to your foods -- be it a main course, salad or side dish -- that you won't miss the fat that was there before.
The YOU Docs
Michael Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D.-- are authors of "YOU: Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty
Three Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet
While many people in my experience lament the nutritional disadvantages
of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the
health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet.
In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional
advantages of becoming a vegetarian.
The first major advantage of a vegetarian diet is
increased heart health. Vegetarians, on average, consume
more nuts (often as a supplemental form of protein). Nuts
contain "good" fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6. This
promotes good heart health by reducing "bad" cholesterol
and unclogging arteries.
In addition to nuts, vegetarians also consume more soy
milk (often to replace milk), which reduces "bad"
cholesterol and has been linked to good heart health.
The second major advantage vegetarians enjoy is increased
skin health. In addition to consuming larger quantities
of nuts (which contain healthful oils), vegetarians tend
to consume more fruit and vegetables, which are rich in
essential vitamins, including A and E, which are linked
to good skin health.
Fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber,
which helps flush toxins out of the body, further
contributing to better skin health.
The last health advantage vegetarians enjoy is an increased
natural consumption of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are foods that help prevent cancer by
destroying free radicals. Vitamin C and Vitamin E, two
strong antioxidants, are commonly found in vegetarian
Vitamin C can be found in berries, tomatoes, citrus fruit,
kale, kiwis, asparagus and peppers.
Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts,
almonds, and brown rice--all foods that are commonly a
part of a well-balanced vegetarian diet.
So what does this all mean for you as a prospective
It means the popular mythology about vegetarian diets
is false. Not only can a vegetarian diet be nutritionally
sufficient, but it can also affect better skin
health, prevent cancer, and increase your
heart health.
Starting as a hard-core carnivore and then becoming vegetarian for 2 years and then converting to a vegan for the last year I can honestly say I dont miss meat at all anymore knowing that it will likely enhance my health for a lifetime as well as longevity.
If you are interested in learning how to cook simple, great tasting, quick and low cost vegetarian meals I'd recommend How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food
or Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook
of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the
health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet.
In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional
advantages of becoming a vegetarian.
The first major advantage of a vegetarian diet is
increased heart health. Vegetarians, on average, consume
more nuts (often as a supplemental form of protein). Nuts
contain "good" fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6. This
promotes good heart health by reducing "bad" cholesterol
and unclogging arteries.
In addition to nuts, vegetarians also consume more soy
milk (often to replace milk), which reduces "bad"
cholesterol and has been linked to good heart health.
The second major advantage vegetarians enjoy is increased
skin health. In addition to consuming larger quantities
of nuts (which contain healthful oils), vegetarians tend
to consume more fruit and vegetables, which are rich in
essential vitamins, including A and E, which are linked
to good skin health.
Fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber,
which helps flush toxins out of the body, further
contributing to better skin health.
The last health advantage vegetarians enjoy is an increased
natural consumption of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are foods that help prevent cancer by
destroying free radicals. Vitamin C and Vitamin E, two
strong antioxidants, are commonly found in vegetarian
Vitamin C can be found in berries, tomatoes, citrus fruit,
kale, kiwis, asparagus and peppers.
Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts,
almonds, and brown rice--all foods that are commonly a
part of a well-balanced vegetarian diet.
So what does this all mean for you as a prospective
It means the popular mythology about vegetarian diets
is false. Not only can a vegetarian diet be nutritionally
sufficient, but it can also affect better skin
health, prevent cancer, and increase your
heart health.
Starting as a hard-core carnivore and then becoming vegetarian for 2 years and then converting to a vegan for the last year I can honestly say I dont miss meat at all anymore knowing that it will likely enhance my health for a lifetime as well as longevity.
If you are interested in learning how to cook simple, great tasting, quick and low cost vegetarian meals I'd recommend How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food
One of the Best Anti Aging Recommendations ..Staying Active
You know you should break off -- or at least take a break from -- your cozy relationship with your chair and couch, and get moving. But if you need an extra push (or shove) here's something that ought to do it: possible protection from cancer.
A large study of Japanese men and women found that the more active you are on a daily basis, the lower your odds are of dying from cancer. That was true regardless of what people did -- whether it was butt-kicking runs on the treadmill or quiver-inducing strength workouts or leisurely rounds of golf and long walks with the dog. Yes, you heard right; people didn't have to work up a huge sweat to see a reduction in risk (though we recommend that you do work up a sweat for 20 minutes at least three times a week for plenty of other health reasons, including heart health).
Physical activity turns on a gene that binds cancer growth factors as well as fights stress and squelches inflammation. Don't waste time wondering what kind of physical activity to do. Pick the one you like and can fit into your life easily. If in doubt, walk. It's the workout you're practically guaranteed to stick to. And it's no wonder: All you need are you and your shoes. No special training, no need for a gym, no spandex required. Go now and enjoy getting younger!
Supercharge Your Health With This Fruit
A sliced sweet, succulent strawberry is more than a perfect cereal topper, meal-ender, afternoon snack or treat to smother in dark chocolate. These little fruits have more powers than the whole cast of "Twilight" (but they use those powers for good). Here's what a few berries can do for you:
Fill you up without pudging you out. Check it out: Just 50 little calories in a whole cup (if you skip the chocolate).
Help you keep the beat. Strawberries help your heart by shaving down levels of C-reactive protein, an indicator of heart-hampering inflammation. These berries also might smack down the effects of lousy LDL cholesterol to give heart disease an extra boot. And they get a "best supporting actor" award for making oatmeal even healthier. Somehow, the vitamin C in the strawberries has a Chia-Pet-like effect on compounds called phenols in the oats, causing their heart-helping powers to grow.
Stop cancer in its tracks. Certain compounds in strawberries, especially one called ellagic acid, may be able to block cancer at its starting point as well as keep tumors from progressing and spreading. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees here, but if you don't get cancer, you can thank those berries for helping.
Maintain your processing speed. Strawberries -- like most other foods whose name ends in "berries" -- are high in flavonoids, plant compounds that help shield cells from molecular damage, reducing the risk of needless brain aging.
Oh, and there's a whole different type of processing that these berries can boost. With 3 grams of fiber in every cup, they help keep your digestive system running smoother than a Mercedes.
And help the earth as you help your health: Buy local and organic (but still wash well) while these satisfying fruits are in peak season.
The YOU Docs
Fill you up without pudging you out. Check it out: Just 50 little calories in a whole cup (if you skip the chocolate).
Help you keep the beat. Strawberries help your heart by shaving down levels of C-reactive protein, an indicator of heart-hampering inflammation. These berries also might smack down the effects of lousy LDL cholesterol to give heart disease an extra boot. And they get a "best supporting actor" award for making oatmeal even healthier. Somehow, the vitamin C in the strawberries has a Chia-Pet-like effect on compounds called phenols in the oats, causing their heart-helping powers to grow.
Stop cancer in its tracks. Certain compounds in strawberries, especially one called ellagic acid, may be able to block cancer at its starting point as well as keep tumors from progressing and spreading. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees here, but if you don't get cancer, you can thank those berries for helping.
Maintain your processing speed. Strawberries -- like most other foods whose name ends in "berries" -- are high in flavonoids, plant compounds that help shield cells from molecular damage, reducing the risk of needless brain aging.
Oh, and there's a whole different type of processing that these berries can boost. With 3 grams of fiber in every cup, they help keep your digestive system running smoother than a Mercedes.
And help the earth as you help your health: Buy local and organic (but still wash well) while these satisfying fruits are in peak season.
The YOU Docs
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