Protect Your Brain from Parkinson's
With THIS Nutrient
You may know that the super nutrient Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) works to support the immune system and cellular antioxidation. But it also appears to help with Parkinson's disease.
The basis for many neurodegenerative diseases is called mitochondria dysfunction. The powerhouse of each cell is the mitochondria. If the powerhouse of the cell is disrupted or loses energy, the body is vulnerable to attack at the cellular level. This can be devastating and can result in many chronic diseases.
Some scientists believe that nerve cell damage can result from diminished energy levels among neurons. That may result in a biologic energy decline and therefore be intimately involved in the development of Parkinson's disease. It appears that CoQ10 may offer protection for neurons against toxicity.
According to a study published in Neurotoxicity, restoring these neuronal energy levels might boost these defenses. Supplementing with CoQ10 will not only boost your cell energy levels, but boost your body's brain and heart health, too!