Is it really possible to get fit without all the work that comes along with it like eating healthy& exercising and just get fit while reading your favorite blog or watching TV?
Recently there was a study that followed people that took large doses(500milligrams 2x/day) of a nutrient called Quercetin for a week and were able to increase endurance on a stationary bike much longer than people who did not take Quercetin nutrient. In lam ens terms their fitness was enhanced without the the work.
Quercetin was thought to possibly help build your mitochondria which are the mini energy factories in your bodies cells that convert your food energy to the energy your body uses(ATP). So it would potentially create more body energy so you wouldn't run out as fast during a workout.
So what is Quercetin made of exactly? It is a plant-derived flavonoid shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A diet high in fruits and veges has shown to decrease cancer rates and was thought quercetin might be responsible for this. It is found in vegetables and citrus fruit like apples,red onions, green beans and buckwheat. Usually most food sources of this nutrient don't contain a large amount though. A average apple has around 9 milligrams.
As far a it being able to get fit without the work its not likely to happen since exercise does far more for you than increase your mitochondria. It builds bone density, reduce stress, helps you sleep better, and most importantly increase sex drive! It also has been found to help your memory and cognitive functions.
My advice, quit looking for the easy way out, get your butt off the couch and exercise. I'd come get your butt off your couch for you but i gotta get moving.